Educational Background
B.S. National Taiwan University 1980
M.S. State University of New York, Buffalo 1985
Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin 1991
Selected Publications
Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, Y. Wu (2022). "Thermal radiative properties of zirconium oxide films in the near‐infrared wavelengths," Int. J. Appl Ceram. Technol, 19(4), 2311–2321, DOI
Y. Wu, Y. Wang, E.J. Gildersleeve V, P-f. Hsu, S. Sampath, M.H.McCay (2022), "Laser Thermal Gradient Testing of Air Plasma Sprayed Multilayered, Multimaterial Thermal Barrier Coatings," Int. J. Appl Ceram. Technol. 1– 16. DOI
Y. Wu, Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, M.H. McCay, D.E. Croy, D. Moreno, L. He, C. Wang, and H. Zhang, (2019), "Laser Thermal Gradient Testing and Fracture Mechanics Study of a Thermal Barrier Coating," J. Thermal Spray Tech. DOI, June 2019.
Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu (2023), "Increased Scattering Coefficient in the Thermal Barrier Coating for High-Temperature Gas Turbine Operations," to be presented at the 47th Int. Conf. & Expo on Adv Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2022), on-line, January 2023.
Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, M. H. McCay (2022), "The Pore Size Dependence of the Radiative Scattering Coefficient in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Films," Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Expo Turbomachinery Technical Conference, Turbo Expo 2022, June 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, GT2022-80853.
Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, (2022), "Impacts of Porosity and Microstructure on the Thermal Radiative Property of Thermal Barrier Coatings," presented at the 46th Int. Conf. & Expo on Adv Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2022), on-line, January 2022.
Y. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, Y. Wu, (2021), "Near Infrared Radiative Properties of Thermal Barrier Coatings," Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Heat Transfer Summer Conference (SHTC2021), June 2021, on-line, SHTC2021-61258.
Research Interests
Thermal barrier coating thermal gradient testing and finite element analysis of fracture failures. Multidimensional radiation heat transfer in flames, combustion systems, and radiating gases with spectrally dependent properties; combined mode heat transfer; premixed combustion with detailed multistep chemistry kinetics; electromagnetic wave scattering of small particles; directional and wavelength-selective radiative properties of micro- and nano-scale devices; reflection from random roughness surfaces with and without coating; transient radiation processes for optical imaging using ultra-fast light pulses; and HVAC systems.